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Most fabulous summer spot in Bohol that was famous for “chocolate hills” in Philippines .the hills spread around the 50 square kilo meters more than 1770 hills it could be the most mysterious place in bohol to suspicious to tourists troop made a side trip to these weird place had to count the number of steps it took to achieve the top of the tallest hills that part of the attraction of the Philippines has been the low cost closer to home visitors.
The average tourist actually climbed some of these hills are 45 million year old Tarsier, the smallest primate in the World they are seen only from a distance where you can stand exotic height that would be more to see to those place in Bohol island

Unknown Wednesday, 15 February 2017

A miracle and mysterious forest in japan that shines the dark in green light in night. These forest is in shikoku actually this glowing come from mushrooms. The glowing only there only few months in the month of may to august now it attracts number of visitors from all over the world.

In night mushrooms turn in to green lights which showers a greenery vision in forest. The reason  behind green light a chemical formation in mushroom due to the rainy water. Whatever situation it happens but now mushroom glowing in night was fantastic in  forest.

Unknown Saturday, 4 February 2017